Friday, September 5, 2008

Pluck a duck

Seems I've created a bit of controversy during the week in another online good food community, by revealing my little experiment to see if I could cook crispy skin duck with a handful of heatbeads in a Cobb Oven. Well, the experiment was succesful, with the duck juicy because it was steamed in the cup of chardonnay I poured into the Cobb's moat, and crispy because I rubbed it all over with marinade first then roasted it over the coals, turrning it every half hour.

The poor little Donald only just fitted into the Cobb...that was the big challenge.

I'm enjoying my Cobb Oven...runs on an oily rag as they say, & gives you lots of different ways to flavour your food. Fuel cost was about fifty cents worth of heatbeads.

A couple of the comments:

"Thought this was a food blog, not an alpha contest." said one.

"And who are you marketing manager for did you say?" said another.

But it was also good to receive comments like:

"You are a very cruel person, Im now sitting here drooling on my computer :))"

and "There's something very appealing about a man who is enthusiastic about experimenting and trying different foods. It's very nice to have a meal cooked for you by your man every now and then. I look forward to that some day...."